On this tab you can analyze your game through graphs.
“Graphs” tab is located in “View Stats” section. For example, let’s consider cash games graphs.
In left side of the screen there is a field with player name. Below you can see “Report” list where we can choose reports to review. Also, you can choose “Graph for” like as “Hands Played”, “Dates”, “Months” and “Sessions”. In “Winnings in” you can choose the display of the graph in “My Currency” or “Big Blinds”.
Below, you can set up to display player name on the graph or not, “Display All-in Equity” or not, Showdown/Non SD Winning. Also, you can set up “Overlay Stats”. To do so press “Configure” and the following windows will appear.
In this window you can add any stat from Poker Tracker 4. Also you can use searching. You also need to understand some stats cannot be display in every graph type.
In “Show Information Box” you can set up information box, which is displayed in the bottom of the right part of the graph. Press “Configure” and you will see the following window.
For add stats you have to select the stat in left side of the window and make double-click. You can use the search at the bottom. Also, you can filter stats in the list. For removing stat you have to make double-click in the right part of the screen. Below there are the arrows which allow to control displayed sequence. Alfter all settings press “OK” to save.
Let’s return to our Report. In the bottom of the left part there are “Filters” and “Quick Filters”, they will be situated in each Report. You can read more about these filters in another part of our tutorial.
In the right side of the screen there is a graph, which shows our customized information.
Report “Personal Results by Time Period” is comfortable to show the graph by “Hour of Day” and “Day of Week”.
Report “Overall Results” (Cash + Trounament) looks like following.
Report “Global Game Statistics” is usable to form the graph by “Pot Size”, “Players Saw Flop”, “Winning Hands at SD”, “Losing Hands at SD”, “Max Streets” and “Winnings by Position”
Report “Global Player Statistics” is usable to rate the selected statistic in the middle of the field. You can enter “Min Hands” and breakeven. You can understand how it is distributed on player pool and try to understand how it influences the profitability of the game.
In Report “Global Post Flop Ranges” you can see how often different combinations on Flop, Turn and River of players from you database are gathered. Also, you can set up minimal amout of hands.
Report “Custom Global Player Scatter Graph” allows to set up stats for both X and Y Axis. You can see the graph for all players from you database and you can try to understand some laws. For example, on my graph it is shown that I’m most aggressive player at my VPIP. (‘×’ – on the picture)
The red dots indicate the losers. The green dots indicate the winners. Also, you can set up “Min Hands” and breakeven.